This is my humble webpage. Please feel free to check out my work below. I hold a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Stockholm University. I have published several articles at competitive conferences on topics such as concept design, self-tracking technologies, sleep technologies, gaze interaction, virtual reality, and kitchen technologies. My PhD has also included a visit at Copenhagen University and Tokyo University. I did my Master's in Computer Science and a Bachelor's in Media Technology, one semester at Aalto University (puhun Suomea!) and one year as a guest student at Keio University (日本語をうまく書くことができませんが、少し読むことができます!) You can find my mail in the footer - please use it for good only! My CV can be found here!
/*October 2019-October 2024*/
These projects are a selection of my work conducted during my PhD at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. This research has included work on agency over self-tracking and sleep technologies, as well as other work on social robots in collaboration with Tokyo University and work on virtual reality and smart fridges
Click on the images to for more information on each project!
/*Mars 2017-June 2019*/
Netlight consulting is an IT and management consult company with over 1200 consults all over Europe. I have been working at Netlight f om the Spring of 2017 as one of the designers at the inhouse design studio. Tasks have included concept art and animations for annual conferences, large format printing, and UX testing of digital services.
/*August 2017-June 2019*/
During my Master's in Computer Science at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology I have been worked with project exploring cutting edge interaction design - foremost in my Master's thesis.
In parallel, I have been involved in multiple projects. This includes both bigger and smaller projects that capture my different interests and experiences.